But the literal law of the jungle prevails wherever the absence of state authorities coincides with desperate need, unrestricted greed and great cultural diversity. If religion and strong cultural traditions rule people's lives, there will be peace nonetheless. Adventurers and soldiers of fortune are attracted too.Īll over the world, governance is weak in remote areas. Nonetheless, marginalised people move there in the hope of finding a livelihood. They know that this is where the struggle for survival is particularly tough. In Latin America, Central Africa or South-East Asia, however, the wilderness does not make most people think of recreation in a beautiful environment. Unaware of that past, many Germans fail to understand today why forests are disappearing fast from other world regions. Forests remained lawless for centuries, and weapons were not only needed for hunting purposes. Poachers faced severe punishments, but that did not stop them. Nonetheless, game, wood and other resources were tempting. In case of trouble, those who exposed themselves to these risks could not expect any help.

When German forests were still wilderness, people feared to enter them because of dangerous animals and robbers. German forests are investment assets that also serve recreation purposes, they are considered green lungs and provide habitats to the remaining plant and animal species. They are easily accessible thanks to vast networks of well-maintained trails. Today, Germany's secondary forests are economically valuable, but their biodiversity is poor compared with primary forests. Its principle was first spelled out in Germany in the 18th century: in any given time, only as many trees may be cut as grow. Most do not understand that the forests in the Federal Republic are human-made landscapes that result from centuries of sustainable forest management.

Germans tend to love our country's forests with a romantic idea of nature.